Girls Night In – the Party Starts in the Kitchen!

22 January, 2013 — Leave a comment


Girls night out is fun, but if you`re in a crowded bar or a busy restaurant you might not get that quality talking time with your friends.

Instead of going to the bar why not invite the girls over to a cooking party?
Cooking with friends is the perfect setting for connecting. Drinks, food, cute aprons, chatting, laughing and enjoying each other’s company while sharing stories are ingredients for the perfect recipe.

Planning a cooking evening with let`s say 5 -10 women takes a lot of time and although the idea is great you might not fit the planning into your schedule. This is where I come in to lend you a helping hand (or two) to get your evening organized – just as you like it.  After a talk with you: I`ll set up the menu, make invitations, get the groceries, make goodie bags with recipes we use and theme decorations and keep your budget.
I`ll guide you and your guests through preparing the meal of the evening and leave you to enjoy it.


Let me help you create a fun and special evening for you and your friends.
The party starts in the kitchen!

Please for further information.

On site party planning help is offered in the Lucerne +  Zug area of Switzerland.
Cooking Party Planning in a Box is offered sent to all of Europe.
Languages offered:
English, German and Norwegian.

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