
19 October, 2011 — 1 Comment

In Norway there is a saying  “5 om dagen” (directly translated it says “5  a day”).
This refers to fruits – you should eat five fruits a day to stay healthy.

In Switzerland “5 a day” would probably refer to the five meals they serve per day.
The Swiss organize their day around their meals and here I`ll give you a quick introduction to our schedule.

You start off with breakfast at 7:30.
This consists mainly of cereals with milk, eggs, sweat breads with jam, hot tea/coffee/chocolate.

Between nine and ten there is the morning snack.
Fresh fruit, crackers, yoghurts are among favourits.
School children bring a snack-box and usually the schools reccomend healthy snacks.
My youngest child E insists on only bringing fruit in her box because then she doesn`t have to brush her teeth in Kindergarten.

This is the main meal of the day and it`s served at noon.
The children come home from school for one an a half hour to eat lunch.
Workers usually go out to eat at a restaurant, get something from a bakery or (seldom) bring a lunch box.
As you can imagine the Hausfrau is busy from 11:00 preparing z`Mittag for her kids.

The four o`clock snack.
The Swiss do like their chocolate and in the afternoon sweets are usually the norm.
A chocolate stick in white bread, cake, crackers with chocolate cover, hot chocolate or a chocolate muffin.

The family meal at six or seven.
Dad is home from work and it`s time for everyone to catch up.
A smaller meal is usually served: Soup, fresh bread with cheese and/or jam, omelette or left overs from Mittagessen.

With both kids in school and after having lived here for so long I have to say we`ve become quite Swiss in our meal schedule. At first I couldn`t imagine eating such a heavy meal at noon, but now I can`t imagine not to.
It`s also a very healthy eating schedule, but this is a subject I`ll have to talk more about another time.
Now I need to get Mittagessen ready for the kids.

En Guete!

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  1. Snacking « The Norwegian Hausfrau - 27 August, 2012

    [...] Here I have written about the 5 daily food stops we have here in Switzerland. You will see that we have two snack times: Nine-ish and four-ish. Snack time is big deal. [...]

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